Your Personality isn't Random

Ya’ know when I was writing this article I almost titled it “Your Personality isn’t Unique”, but who would want to read that???  That’s just mean!  I assure you your personality is very unique.  You know, just like everyone else.  Kidding aside, although it may be unique, it probably isn’t as random as previously thought.  Now how your parents met might be completely random.  Such as if your mother was from Brooklyn and found herself stranded in the wilderness of Alaska and just so happened to stumble across your father in the freezing air while he happened to be setting the world record for longest amount of time spent in subzero temperatures…..nude……

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What is the "Dopamine Dominant Pursuit of Health, Happiness,....and Muscle"?

When I first started getting serious about building my own website, I obviously began brain storming different ideas for content, design, structure, etc. that would capture who I am and what the website would be all about.  On the one hand you certainly want to develop material that will appeal to a wide variety of people.  On the other hand you should still have a focused demographic that you’re trying to draw in and not get too generic in trying to please everyone.  On the other, other hand that you’ve always wondered why you had until you started reading my articles on genetic mutations, you have to stay true to yourself.  Otherwise what’s the point?!  Hey, it’s alright, we’re all genetic mutants.  Nothing to be ashamed of! 

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Balancing Brain Power for Maximum Productivity

Have you ever wanted to get something done but didn’t have the mental energy or clarity to do so?  Have you ever struggled with shutting down your mind at night in order to get a restful sleep?  Have you ever found yourself reaching for your fourth cup of coffee at 3 pm to power through the rest of your work day?  Or maybe find yourself laying around endlessly scrolling through Netflix because you don’t have the “get up and go” to do anything else?

If you are from this planet, you probably answered “HELLZ YEAH” to at least one of those. 

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Who are "The Experts" and how can you find them?

Thanks to the good ol’ World Wide Web, we as a society have officially launched into a PermaCyberWar, or PCW if you will.  Apparently these days you can get rich and famous doing just about anything whether it’s educational based or entertainment based (insert latest YouTube star).  I’m sure it’s probably similar in other industries, but at least in the health and fitness industry it is all about “I’m right and you’re dumb unless you agree…..obvy”.  You can’t particularly blame us of course.  I mean our careers and financial stability depend on our abilities to be right(er) than the next person. 

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